Monday, January 15, 2007

An Interesting Day

Buenos dias amigos! I am on vacation in Mexico but there is an internet connection in our room and I am able to get online to play OGame, and it's a good thing too. I learned a couple of things yesterday.

1. You can't go into vaction mode if you're building something.

I tried to select vacation mode and the system said I couldn't do it since I was building something. I'm not sure if this applies to the shipyard too but I was 4 days into researching Weapons and I didn't want to lose the time already spent. I could have canceled the research but I figured I would be able to get online while away. So I didn't turn on vacation mode.

I hadn't been attacked in a while and so I wasn't expecting anything bad to happen.

2. If a fleet is attacking check it before saving resources.

I made a big mistake. I saw a fleet was coming for my planet and sent my resources to another planet. I was in a hurry and didn't check the number of ships in the fleet that was attacking. Newbie mistake. It was only a single recylcer. I sent a message to the attacker and asked "wassup?". He replied that, "oops, made a mistake". It didn't seem too unusual at this point.

That was my first big mistake, because maybe 30 minutes later when I checked again there was a new and different attack on the way. And it was scheduled to hit just a few SECONDS before my fleet of 105 battleships was scheduled to return to the same planet. That was my second big mistake - I didn't check to see where my fleet was heading. I am not used to fleetsaving and didn't think to check where my fleet was. Things couldn't have been worse. I am such a newb!

The first attack was not a mistake it was a decoy. He was doing a phalanx hit on me! My stomach did a little flippy-floppy and I got nervous, and then mad at myself for my newbie mistake.

There was a 4 second difference in the time my fleet was scheduled to return and when his fleet would arrive. I thought I might have enough time to quickly select all ships and send them out again.

Then it occured to me. Dammit! I sent my deut out when I saw the decoy attack. There wasn't enough time to recall the cargoes with the deut. Dammit dammit DAMMIT! I am so stoopid!

But there is good news.

3. Weird things can happen.

It was only about 15 minutes before his fleet was going to hit and I was composing a message to the attacker, quoting the Star Trek movie Wrath of Kahn, "to the last I grapple with thee, for hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee..." or something like that. I was googling for the movie script to get the quote exactly right when I returned to my OGame screen and the frame (menu) on the left had a problem. It said something like, "ERROR: turn off IP Check and relogin, users of AOL and other systems may have problems when IP check is turned on". Okay, that makes sense. I am in another country and the OGame system sees that I am using a different IP address so it complained. I went to the Settings screen, checked the Disable IP Check box, and logged in again.

I had a message from the attacker that he expected it to be a Hall of Fame (HOF) hit and he was proud it was going to be against Terror. Dammit. But there was no Battle Report (BR). The time of the attack had passed and no BR. Weird. The attacker messaged me again and said he thought I was cheating and he hoped I would get banned! I messaged him back to explain that I did disable the IP Check and that may have caused the problem but I was definitely not a cheater.

At this point I don't know if the IP Check thing had anything to do with the attack failing. The attacker told me he sent a probe after the attack and that failed too. He now suspected it was a server glitch. Apparently there are some known problems with OGame and things like this can and do happen from time to time. I need to check the OGame forum to see what the "known bug" is, but it would seem that a server glitch helped me dodge a bullet. Cool.

But the attacker has allies. He must have called his buddies and in short order there was another fleet on its way to attack me. I was producing some duet and was going to have enough to send about 40 BS to my closest planet. At least I could save some of them.

4. The low-deut fleetsave

I sent recyclers to at least get the debris that was about to happen. I was checking to see how many battleships I could save with the paltry 4.100 deut I had on hand when I noticed on the fleet screen that sending ships to the same (originating) planet would use very little deut. But would that work? I tried it. The system said "the starting and ending coordinates are the same" or some such. But I knew I was onto something, what if I sent my fleet on a transport mission to a nearby planet, one in the same system? It doesn't have to be owned by me! Yes! That worked. I sent my fleet on a transport mission at 10% speed to a nearby planet. I figured this out about 2 minutes before the attack arrived. The second attack hit and I lost some defense, but my 105 battleships had escaped. He posted the hit to the war thread on the OGame Forum. (oops, hD link here but it got brokenified) I felt like I had discovered an OGame trick, but I'm sure it's something advanced players already know about. I call it the low-deut save. I guess the lesson here is to always carry enough deut with your fleet so you don't have to worry about it getting raided.

But what about his phlanx? Could he send another phalanx attack against my returning fleet? It was time for a little research.

5. A phalanx cannot see a recalled deployment mission.

I wanted to learn about what he could see with his phalanx, so I went to the OGame Wiki.
I don't have a phalanx but I guess when you use it to scan a planet you can see all missions to/from a planet. But the article on fleetsaving says that a phalanx cannot see a recalled deployment mission.

But I hadn't sent my fleet on a deployment mission, I had sent it on a transport mission. Would he be able to see it if I recalled it? He was probing me every few minutes. He was looking for my fleet to return so he could phalanx me again to see where it was going and when it was sheduled to return.

I recalled the local transport mission. I had selected zero cargo to transport so there was probably no harm in letting the mission continue, but I wanted to get going. I had already spent more time on OGame than at the beach! When the fleet returned I sent it on a long deployment mission to a remote colony at 10% speed. It has over 70 hours to return.

I had been exchanging messages with the attacker this whole time. When he accused me of cheating I wanted to straighten him out.

Through probing he saw that my fleet had returned. I sent it out on a deployment mission, no problem. But he was waiting to phalanx me again, so he knows the destination of my fleet. He told me he has friends in that neighborhood too and that he will eventually get me. I told him, "Game On!" I will learn more about what a phalanx can and can't do, but he's probably right. He can figure out which planets I occupy and keep looking for my fleet. He's shown that he can time an attack to arrive seconds before my fleet returns. We need to learn how to defend against this and to do it to others.

This guy is probing me all the time now. I have a couple of days to recall my fleet. He should not be able to see a recalled deployment mission. So when it returns I will send it on another deployment mission. I think I have become a project for this guy. We will see. I'm going to sit at the pool bar and have margarita! :-)

One more thing before I go...

6. Don't tell other players your time zone.

I made another rookie mistake. When I was messaging the attacker and explaining my change of IP address I told him I am from Minnesota USA. This is useful information for any opponent. They can use it to figure out when you are sleeping and send their attack accordingly. I check OGame from work and home all times of day and night, so I don't know how big of a mistake it is, but learn from my mistake. Don't tell other OGame players where you are from.

Whew! I just wanted to share an interesting day of OGame with you guys. Please let me know what you think by leaving a comment. When I get home I will work on building a website for our alliance. The first thing I want to set up is a private message board so we can share information about OGame. I am hoping that will make us better players and add some fun to the process. I am learning about web development and will use the site as a place to try new things. Eventually we could have a chat feature, a file server, maybe even a teamspeak server for audio communications.

So if anyone is interested in learning about web development with me just let me know and we can work together on developing our alliance web page.

As you can see I occasionally get the urge to write articles. I was thinking about developing a guide to OGame. I originally started this blog because I thought the documentation for OGame was weak. The OGame Wiki is okay but not great. I think there are lots of people who try OGame and then quit. Look at how many small inactive planets there are. That's nice for raiding in the beginning but it speaks to the poor documentation, if you ask me.

We will see where all this goes. Right now a margarita has my name on it! :-)


Anonymous said...


i need some n00bs-information.

do you know, where the homepage is for saving the combat-reports. i would like to save the reports and show them to other players... - this is one for german - do you know one for english languages.

please write me

Gordon P. Throckmorton III said...

No, I don't know of one for the english language. Let me know if you find one. Thanks.

Another way to get 'er done would be to host it yourself.

File > Save Page As.

Once the file is saved you could post it to a freebie web hosting service like

Anonymous said...

yo dude i read the first bit to number 6 but i didnt read on,i like to hear stroys from other ogamers, i hate getting attaked i just panic and pray for the best ;)

i have just started a newacount on uni 10 i have like 16 points lol but i shall listen to ure advice, i am sure it wont do any harm thnx m8
p.s if u start in uni 10 message me and i will sort u out ;)

Anonymous said...

obviously i forgot to leave my name it is mufasa in uni 10

Gordon P. Throckmorton III said...

so much time has passed since i last visited the blogger account here. the ancients wish you ogame success

Sidhant Gupta said...

Very very good stuff man! Thats was really informative!

Did you form an alliance?

Gordon P. Throckmorton III said...

I've been in a few alliances. Still playing ogame, but i have an "endgame" strategy now. hehe

Sidhant Gupta said...

hah.. :) yeah I just saw the dates of your posts. Thats a loong time that you've been playing :)

I recently started, like a week or so back, because I liked the Uni 42's look and feel.

Just sent my first colony ship. :)

Gordon P. Throckmorton III said...

do you have a strategy for colony placement?

Sidhant Gupta said...

Umm, no not yet. I searched but couldnt find anything in 4-7. So for now colonized a 11 in nearby system. I basically want to produce deut. and ship it to my main planet.

Gordon P. Throckmorton III said...

Here's a couple of thoughts on colonies...

1. Travel Time
It takes the same amount of time and deut to travel to another galaxy as it does to travel 183 systems, approximately, it might be 187 systems, I forget.

2. Slots
I would not keep a colony with less than 160 fields. If you play for a year or so planets smaller than 150 fields will have difficulty growing. Terraformers are limited in ability to add fields because of the energy requirements (beyond level 4 is a bitch), so slots 4-5-6 are important. Settle planets with room to grow. I have 2 small-ish planets with 163 and 151 fields and they are full. I have 7 with 200+ fields and am glad I waited to get bigger planets.

Keep your small planets for now if you feel like it, but know you will have to destroy small planets eventually. Sometimes it's easier to do it right away and try settling it again.

It takes about 2 days for a slot to open up again after a planet is destroyed. So if you see "destroyed planet" in a nice slot keep checking back to see if you can settle it. It may take some time but is worth it.

This is especially tough when colony ships seem to cost so much to build, but it is worth it to keep trying until you get a big planet. As you get bigger a colony ship is not that big of a deal and you'll wonder why you didn't work on getting bigger planets. With my mines where they are today I've produced enough res to build a colony ship in the time it took to write this reply. hehe

Build a recycler and look for large debris fields. The Foxgame plugin for Firefox is handy for this as it highlights large DF in your galaxy view. You can harvest some debris each night to build colony ships faster until you have nine nice colonies.

3. Planet separation
In UNI 19, as players leave the gamem, most of the action occurs in Galaxy 1. If you want to be left alone settle the far galaxies. If you want good hunting grounds stay in G1. I find it's nice to have a base in a far galaxy with most of my other planets spread across G1.

4. Planet separation
It can be good to have two planets in the same system for shipping res quickly and a quick defensive response if necessary. But don't put all your planets in one system because an opponent in in that system can get to your fleet fast too. Spreading your planets out also allows you to send longer missions. Now that I have RIPs I can send my fleet on 3 or 4 day missions, (harvest mission from moon is un-lanxable) so I only have to log in twice a week, or more often if I am feeling frisky.

Having two planets in the same system can be good for defense and for setting traps.

Keep one planet designated as your floater. Use it to colonize, hunt for a while, then destroy it and re-colonize a new location.

Also good to check with alliance mates to see if they want to settle a particular neighborhood for mutual protection.

Sounds like you know about slots 4-5-6 being good for large number of fields. So apologies if you know this stuff already. Good luck!

Sidhant Gupta said...


Thanks a ton for the long and uber-informative response. I did not know most of the stuff you said, so it was definitely helpful.

The planet I just colonized has 153 fields. As of now I cant destroy it and make new, coz I am pretty ow on deut, and I need it badly to do some essential research and move forward.

I will absolutely focus on larger planets in future.

I haven't joined any alliance as yet. Maybe I will when I get a decent ranking. As of now, I want to build some stuff, specially the recyclers for which I need to have tons of deut for research.

Other than that, I keep raiding to get some extra res.

Gordon P. Throckmorton III said...

Another idea RE: planet size, is try to avoid doing research on your home planet. Each level of research uses a field. Instead do research on either a large planet (200+ fields) or a planet you plan to destroy. If you destroy a planet you do not lose the research done there.

The homeworld always has 163 fields and if you play a long time it will be the first to get filled up.

Sidhant Gupta said...

I think I have almost filled it.. I on like 90 something! lol.

Damn, I have done enough research on it already. So when you said, research doesnt go with the planet, does that also mean, on the new planet I can straight away build lasers etc. without researching em again? hmm pretty cool.

Gordon P. Throckmorton III said...

Ya, 153 fields is on the hairy edge of a "keeper" so use it for now but don't settle for less than 170 or so from now on.

I haven't posted to this blog in ages but I get notified by email when there is a new post. So let me know if you have any other questions.

I play a non-agressize strategy but have learned a number of things about ogame along the way.

Gordon P. Throckmorton III said...

Yes. The research you've already done applies to your entire empire. You do not need to research old levels again for a new planet. Tho there are Shipyard requirements for particular ships and defense.

Sidhant Gupta said...

Sure, thanks for the help. I think you should totally update this blog, coz I suppose you like writing, and can be very informative :)

I dont think I am at a stage where I can say I have a xyz strategy of playing. So let the time tell :)

Good day!

TigerNuno said...

Hi. I just finished reading your blog and it's interesting. I've recently started playing Ogame, like a few days ago, and as I was reading I realized you went through the same things that happened to me.

I was puzzled and confused by the same things you described, the meaning of red negative energy, wether I should colonize near or far, my first raid (it was like having sex for the first time)... and so on.

Congratulations if you still play this game, since 2006, it's been a long time of Ogame for you. I find the game quite interesting but I get bored of playing a game after a while.

Do you still play the game? Did you conquer de universe yet? Are you a big shark now? Or did you quit?

Best regards from another newbie and a fellow emperor. May the force be with you.

Gordon P. Throckmorton III said...

Hi there, I was going through some old goog;e stuff and see that this blog is still out there. I do get email when someone comments but I must have missed yours. Hopefully you have email notifications turned on too.

Anyway, yes, I am still playing. I survived the merge and joined a new alliance.

I still play a non-agressive strategy but not pure miner any more. I've built some RIPs and about 2500 BC to give me something to do fleet-wise, and to help out alliance mates in case anything goes down.

I think the changes that gameforge has made to the game are not helping it grow. I have some ideas on the direction the SHOULD be going. I would like to write that up, eventually.

I have not conquered the universe yet. lol But I know a guy who knows a guy. hehe I alos have some interesting ideas for ogame inspired t-shirt designs. I will try the bleach spray technique and see what people think. Gameforge is missing the target on how to monetize their games. It is time someone showed them how to do it. :)

TigerNuno said...


Nice to hear from you, even if it is one year later lol... Yes I do have e-mail notifications turned on, that's how I found your reply.

I don't play ogame anymore. Last year, shortly after I posted on your blog, once I didn't login for 1 or 2 days and when I came back to the game, my fleet was gone... POOF.. Because someone attacked me while I was away. That sucked, and I thought it was very unfair. That fleet took me a long time to build, and effort. The game didn't even warn me, not even by e-mail, that an attack was coming. And I didn't get a report after the attack. I don't even know what or who hit me. That's not fair at all. So I stopped playing.

Good luck with the t-shirts, it's a good idea.

Have fun ruling the galaxy!

Gordon P. Throckmorton III said...

haha, it is funny picking this up a year after your original comment, and you've stopped playing?!? How will your space empire get along without you? Oh, it won't. But that's ok it was just role playing.

As you know ogame is a persistant-world game and not a turn-based game. The ogame world is always there even if you are not. One of the tricks is to send your fleet on long mission and it is safe while it is flying there. (fleet-saving) If your fleet has landed is is vulnerable to attack, so you have to know your own personal schedule well enough to be online when your fleet needs you. This can end up being an interesting cat-and-mouse game with someone who hunts you, or who you hunt.

I think it works best to play from work -- keep ogame open in a tab and keep an eye on it during the day, then send your fleet away for the night or the weekend. But you need to be there when it gets back or CRASH goes the fleet.

Lot's of people rage-quit when their fleet gets crashed. It is pretty heartbreaking, especially for multi-year players. Saw a guy loose 4 mil points yesterday in UNI 44. OUCH!

TigerNuno said...

Hi again,

I found the game very interesting for some weeks, but when my big fleet that took a long time to build was gone out of the blue, it was really heartbreaking and unfair. Just because I didn't log on for 1 or 2 days.

But I get what you're saying, the cat-and-mouse game. Usually I payed close attention to everything all through the day and planned things.

Have fun with the game and good luck.