Saturday, October 07, 2006

A New Beginning


I finally got a communique from my colonists and I was overwhelmed. Over 100 messages received, and who knows how many lost transmissions, almost all of them concerning raiding parties. The colonies have been plundered and are becoming farms for some greedy alien bastidges out there. Fortunately once the craphole aliens take the resources they mostly leave the civilians alone. But there are many casualties and the people are begging for me to want to do something to them (the aliens).

We are a peace loving people who only want to live the simple life of tending the moisture 'vaporators, eating cheesburgers, watching tv and getting high, but something must be done. So I am now diverting a majority of each planets' resources to the production of defense. This will cut down on the production of some kind bud, but my people must be protected, and one day, avenged.

The first order of business is to build enough defenses on each of my three planets so that it will cost an attacker more to attack than he can gain in res. That ought to keep those fighters off my back. At least the ones who are simply greedy.

The Book of the Ancients has stories of demons and whatnot that live only for destruction. I don't want to believe that such a thing can exist in God's beautiful universe, but there are those who say in order to know heaven there must be a hell. So we best be prepared for that day too.

My plan for my people includes colonizing a few more planets and only keeping the ones with 250 or more fields. I have long term plans and don't want to mess with medium sized planets. Building a colony ship is peanuts nowadays. I can't reveal too much about my homeworld and colonies, but let's just say we've grown. (now more than 7! points, woo-hoo!)

In addition to building defense my people will build video domes, hydroponic gardens, and interplanetary ballistic missiles. One of our many sayings is "Peace Through Strength". It is a phrase I have resurrected from our homeworld's mythology. It was a saying from the old ones, the ones who built us.

We are making a list. A list of those who attack our planets without provocation. A list of planets that will be attacked when the time comes. We are a peaceful people and just want to be left alone. But if any of those homos touches any of our things, well, I won't be held responsible for what happens.

It's a tough universe but we will survive
You attack us daily but we're still alive
Soon we will have interplanetary things that fly
And you're gonna wish you just passed us by
For, we will remember you...